Month: January 2024


And what’s going on with that extremely majestic and domineering figure? Also, Taiqing Daozu, Shangqing…

l figure also took the opportunity to disappear without a trace.

Xu Ying dispersed his body, recovered his body, returned to She'an Palace, and quickly returned…

way of killing here!”

Xiu Huixian suddenly woke up and said loudly, "The way of killing here was left…

to Dao ashes!

Xu Ying was stunned and praised: "The Lord of Life and Death is worthy of…

e purpose of sending their respective disciples is to control the fate of the disaster. Unexpectedly, you got it.”

Xu Ying had guessed this when he met Changsun Shenghai and others in Zhaojie, and…

ual light. Amidst the gloomy curtain of mist and rain and the bloody colors gradually evaporating all around, they actually became the purest and most dazzling place. .

Immediately afterwards, Chu Weiyang's hoarse voice sounded. "Don't look at Pindao with such a shabby…

lty here, but it was better for him there. Not only did he not appreciate it, he even asked for a double with his backhand.

"I'm so angry!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Lin Buyan…