s’ bargaining chip will be somewhat tempting for Cuban.
“Little Sun Hao” Arenas, plus Mobley or Hamilton, Cuban may prefer that one.
But now the Wizards have traded their chips for McGrady.
No matter what other additions are added, the main theme is the comparison between Tracy McGrady and Kobe.
In this comparison, Cuban will definitely choose Kobe.
Kupchak nodded. Buss’s ideas sometimes really impressed him.
After explaining to Kupchak, Bass put two more pieces of chewing gum in his mouth.
This is actually a gamble.
The entry of more teams also means that Sun Hao’s value will increase.
It’s even possible that after Cuban discovered that Sun Hao’s trading value was so high, he didn’t want to trade him.
But this is the NBA trading market, and what is played is a psychological game.
Jordan was relaxing at home, smoking a cigar and hugging the girl, when suddenly he received a phone call.
Someone familiar with the matter told him that the Lakers were talking to the Mavericks about Sun Hao’s trade.
After hearing this, Jordan pushed the girl away, put the cigar in the ashtray, and then picked up the phone.
He called Cuban.
Cuban, who was struggling, looked confused when he saw the call from Jordan, but after picking up the call, he heard this sentence.
“Mark, except for Yao, you can choose the rest of my team.”
Here we go again! !
Cuban felt a little crazy after hearing this.
First it was Buss Jr., then Jordan. Is Sun Hao so popular?
Is it possible that in their eyes, Sun Hao is so much more valuable than Kobe or Tracy McGrady?
For a moment, Cuban didn’t want to trade Sun Hao.
Wouldn’t it be delicious if you give it to others and keep it for yourself?
But soon, another voice sounded in his mind.
The reason why the hot cakes become the hot cakes is because it is at this time point.
McGrady doesn’t want it that much. Leading the team to a 19-game losing streak is unjustifiable for a super giant.
But when Kobe actually goes to the Bulls, the Mavericks will probably not be able to replace him with Sun Hao even if they want to.
This is just like when you play 2K to recruit free agents.
The opportunity may only be once.
Slowly, the idea of ????changing Cuban was suppressed by the idea of ??not changing.
What Nelson said does need to be considered, but it can all be solved.
Kobe + Nowitzki, this combination sounds very exciting.
The question now is how to convince Nelson.
He knew Old Nelson’s temper, and it was possible for Old Nelson to give up if there was a fight.
So in the end, his reply to Jordan was the same as the reply he gave to Buss Jr. before.
“I need to think about it.”
/Jordan heard and didn’t ask further.
Think about it and reject it directly, which are two completely different meanings.
If we can really get Sun Hao in exchange, everything will be worth it.
On the one hand, he has had much contact with Sun Hao and knows Sun Hao’s talent and potential, otherwise he would not put Sun Hao at the top of the top five shooting guar