nicate well with the above to minimize the impact and losses.
There is no need to tell Niu Guiqing clearly about this!
Back in Shunyi, Niu Guiqing convened a meeting with all members of the task force. The case found a breakthrough. Everyone was a little excited, but the more excited they were, the easier it was to take it lightly and make mistakes while busy. Faced with this, which may be the largest corruption scandal in the food system in Jiangdong Province since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The pressure and resistance we will face in the future can be imagined. Without sufficient psychological preparation, major chaos may arise from within.
Niu Guiqing rearranged everyone’s work, and the first thing he emphasized was He Kuan’s personal safety.
This person must not die!
/A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest!
Using the grain depot materials as a breakthrough point, the task force interrogated the relevant persons overnight. Under the influence of He Kuan, the originally cohesive grain bureau suddenly fell into pieces. At three o’clock in the morning, following Liu Zhanying, Deng Hua, the chief of the comprehensive department, and Wu Lianzi, the chief of the administrative department, could not withstand the pressure and confessed to the task force. The Grain Bureau colluded internally and externally during the process of grain requisition, inspection and warehousing, underreporting more or not reporting, forging settlement vouchers for purchase, warehousing and inspection, and falsely reporting the amount of grain purchased and warehousing, thus embezzling grain or grain money. Some criminal facts.
Based on their confessions, an important figure who was initially ignored emerged. Cai Hongxiu, deputy director of the office. This woman was not the focus of the task force, and she was only interviewed once two days before she settled in Shunyi. In view of her status as a woman and a deputy in the office, no flaws were found during the interview, so she was released on the same day, but she was not. He thought that this elegant and quiet woman would be the mistress of Xin Chunsheng, the director of the Grain Bureau. According to Deng Hua and others, the bureau’s small treasury, including various private large-amount capital flows, is actually secretly controlled by Cai Hongxiu. Liu Zhanying, the chief of the financial unit, is just a puppet on the surface. Except for the public accounts, other Black money never leaves his hands.
/Cai Hongxiu was awakened by a knock on the door in her sleep. During this period, she suffered from insomnia every night. She managed to sleep for a few hours with the help of sleeping pills tonight, but Liu Tianlai broke into a cold sweat when someone broke in.
She had known that this day would come, but she didn’t expect it to come so quickly!
At 7 o’clock in the morning, Cai Hongxiu finally spoke. A thick stack of account books was found in her home, which recorded in detail that since 1991, the Shunyi grain system headed by Xin Chunsh