issue an order to arrest, but instead let the infiltrators go.

President Louis learned through the intelligence system that General Longfellow had sent military intelligence agents…

He easily and simply took out the “Wriggling Shadow” Hungry”, switch to the “traveler” soul.

"Being too cautious is not a good thing." Klein said to Shadow with a smile…

o that night, would he not have died? After all, I think Zhang Ziang is stronger than Sun Yao when it comes to self-rescue.

o that night, would he not have died? After all, I think Zhang Ziang is…

o stood up and said.

When the two of them got on Bishop McKinley's alchemy speed car, David still brought…

night Meili directly questioned Lydgate Sky Knight, hoping to verbally suppress Lydgate Sky Knight.

Now that the temple has been breached and the mission has ended, Knight Meili and…

ld not do.

How could Lord Gould know that the method David used was the innate ability of…

sed the same attack method. They both targeted the Zerg’s vital points and attacked.

You must know that even if the ammunition of a long-range sniper gun is larger…

o one more experienced than David.

Because no fifth-level Templar is willing to enter the summoning ring and put his life…


It is not easy to deceive the gods, but it is much easier to deceive…


"Baron Arthur, here is the list of gifts, waiting for you to receive them at…