the cleaning of the ruins of the altar just now had inspired some kind of change.

Such speculation caused cold sweat to break out on his forehead. In the raging storm,…

ost of the male and female servants.

However, her main thought at that time was not to follow the "arrangement of fate",…

peep into ancient secrets. It is not too late to test a few words before letting the compass swallow you up.

"It's all those damn evil demons who used despicable means and paid the price of…

couldn’t help but add:

"No problem." Because of what happened today, the silver-haired senior associate professor Cohen was quite…

, finally had nothing to do.

Before preparing for lunch, he gave the remaining 600 pounds to the bodyguard in one…

The maid Julian explained and returned. to the Summer family.

After some tidying up, Klein finally settled down in Backlund. Sitting in the empty living…

above his head that the Shining Sword Mantis was still a hundred meters away from him, he also ran to a huge boulder.

In an environment like Battle Star, huge rocks are exposed everywhere due to wars or…