Month: April 2024


面对这样的对手,比赛可以预见到的艰难。 比赛前一天,小牛队全队抵达洛杉矶。 白天的训练结束之后,孙昊晚上就跑到塞拉利昂峡谷学院看易建联打球去了。 易建联今晚的对手,还是波什领衔的林肯高中。 波什在过去的夏天进行了一些增肌增重,进步非常明显,赛季至今场均20分14篮板。 易建联这赛季进步也不小,场均19+11的数据并不逊色多少。 不过也不知道是不是因为孙昊到场的缘故,还是他已经成为了波什一生之敌的缘故。 这场比赛,他掠下25分9板的数据,压制住了对面波什的17分7板,也帮助塞拉利昂峡谷学院赢得比赛。 比赛结束后,孙昊下到场地里就给易建联一个大大的拥抱。 他在看台上看的时候,有留意到现场来了不少NBA球探。 不管是波什还是易建联,这都已经是他们高中的最后一年。 换句话说,他们都有机会直接登录NBA。 在这样一场重要的比赛里打出好的表现,属于一个顶俩的那种。 “昊哥,我只是吃了顿饺子。” 不过孙昊把这些和易建联说的时候,易建联挠了挠头说道。…

hat classroom is safe, why doesn’t she hide in it? But she wants to go to that disgusting police station?” Zeng

hat classroom is safe, why doesn't she hide in it? But she wants to go…

this meal from you.” Wang Bo muttered as he threw two bottles of Wuliangye into the luggage compartment in front of the mountain bike.

this meal from you." Wang Bo muttered as he threw two bottles of Wuliangye into…

to the ground. If the matchmaker who came with Guan Yongxiang hadn’t pulled her along, Guan Ping might have suffered more severe beatings!

to the ground. If the matchmaker who came with Guan Yongxiang hadn't pulled her along,…

o finish.

After dinner, Ma Liting suggested going shopping. Wang Bo looked at most of the shops…

in his hand.

in his hand. The same place, the same occasion, the same people playing the same…

n Li’s waist with the other, preparing to dance to the beat of the music.

n Li's waist with the other, preparing to dance to the beat of the music.…